Topics and Search on Trends

What is a topic?

Searching for topics on Lux MotivBase Trends

Searching for terms that need multiple topics

Filtering searches for different demographic groups

What is a macroculture vs. a microculture topic universe?

How should I pick topics for microcultures?

How should I choose between synonyms?

How do I search for topics not in the autocomplete list?

What is the recommended time frame for searches?

Can I monitor my brand with Lux MotivBase Trends?

Navigating the app

Creating, naming, and saving workspaces

Sharing workspaces

Comparing workspaces

Pinning searches you run often

Exporting searches to a PowerPoint presentation

Viewing more topics in the microculture universe

Self-serve cultural analysis

The Interpret Button

What are the stats in the Statistics & Demographics section?

What are the cultural themes reported by Motivbase?

How many topics should a search include for cultural analysis?

How do I interpret the microculture universe topics?

How do I know the sentiments around a topic?

Why do I see different topic universes in different, similar searches?

Should I worry if the articles in a cultural universe are old?