Summarize research

The assistant can read the research on your screen. Using its understanding of the predictive anthropology methodology, it will then summarize the research, highlighting the most prominent or interesting insights for you.

<aside> 💡 There is no need for a prompt. It will do this the moment you click the assistant icon.


Prioritize certain microculture/demand spaces

You can communicate your goal to the assistant—be it achieving a specific sales target or exploring an idea for innovation. The assistant will interpret your goals and recommend suitable microcultures or demand spaces to pursue, based on their maturity and growth trajectory.

<aside> 💡 All that's required is to follow the assistant's prompts and answer its questions. You can also at any time prompt it with something like - my goal is innovation; Which of these microcultures would you recommend I pursue given I’d like to achieve ______ in the coming 2/3 years.


Brainstorm ideas, concepts and areas of application

The assistant will naturally prompt you and inquire if you'd like to brainstorm ideas. You can use the assistant to create product concepts or marketing campaign ideas. After developing these concepts, it can identify existing or adjacent in-market examples to help you realize your ideas.

Write a concept framework from one of the ideas

You can ask the assistant to choose one of the concepts it has helped develop and write a concept framework. The assistant will then use the insights gathered from the research process to write a concept framework on-demand. This will highlight the underlying need, the product idea, the technical specifications, and so on.

<aside> 💡 Simply ask it to write a concept framework for the concept of choice.


Seek guidance on what to ask MotivAI next - follow up research questions

Just ask the assistant to help you determine your next research topic. Share your goals or business challenges, and it will translate those into relevant research questions. These will guide you in asking questions that are not only directly applicable to your business, but also relevant to related areas. This approach helps you think more holistically and comprehensively about the area you're exploring, and brings a human-centered perspective to your research.

<aside> 💡 Begin with the question - help me use motivAI. What follow up questions should I ask?


Write a consumer profile

Ask assistant, to write a consumer profile for one of the microcultures/themes, and it will gladly oblige. Here’s an example of a prompt. In a matter of seconds, it will write out a descriptive consumer profile for you…saving you hours in gaining a nuanced understanding of a particular demand space.

<aside> 💡 Write me a consumer persona for the theme "joy of indulging…" - give the persona a name and identify examples of products/brands they would buy.


