Exporting your results

To export your query results, you just click the “PDF|PPT” Button.

Downloading the PDF will package together the insights along with any assistant dialogue that’s present.

Downloading the PPT packages the insights as a slide presentation perfect for socializing your findings.

Opening a PPTX.mp4

Additionally, you will find a button that lets you download the research assistant dialogue within the research assistant window:

Recording 2024-08-16 152038.mp4

Navigating the PPT or PDF

The export is broken into several sections, including the insights from our predictive anthropology platform and frequently requested methodology slides. The sections are listed below:

Query and executive overview

The export begins with your original query and an executive overview, collating the findings on one quick-to-find slide:




Each Insight Card is rendered as a single slide, so individual slides or pages can be extracted and kept without extra information.


Zone of innovation

Both the current and future state of the Zone of Innovation are found after the themes